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Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Amarillo, Texas to Albuquerque, New Mexico

After waking up to another beautiful morning in Amarillo (expected high 93f) we drove, it seemed for hrs. in unbelievable barren land of Texas, eventually we crossed the border into New Mexico and for a change in scenery, the hills (mountains) reminded me very much of Kamloops B.C.

Since we were ahead of our schedule to arrive in Sedona we decided to stop for the day and take in the beautiful atmosphere of old Albuquerque.

What a magnificent place, so much to see, we walked for hrs.  We could have spent half a day just in the Albuquerque Museum of Art & History. We walked all the little streets lined with the most unique shops, galleries and restaurants.

While downtown in the old city, I had my first real Mexican Dinner. Loved every hot mouth full.

 I even bought myself a beautiful gift of the local torquise stones. A gorgious necklace, one of a kind, by a famous local artist. (sorry James I just spent your Birthday gift money)  I’ll buy you lunch at Mcdonalds for your B.D. Ha Ha!!

We walked and shopped until we dropped, I felt guilty earlier today as I only walked for about 10 minutes around the welcome centre (only on the paved path ways). After seeing the sign  to beware of rattle snakes and keep your distance, I was not going to take any chances, plus it was about 93 f. and in no time I was out of breath.

I did see a snake but it was dead on the road. I could not believe the size; it was as long as 1 ½ lanes of the highway; it was impossible to miss it without loosing control of the car. I said to James my God what was that , He said a snake, I said thank God if I had to see one, this was it.

Other than my phobia  fear of snakes, I just love it here. I can breath so well. We are having the time of our lives.

So keep checking our blog for more exciting adventures.

Love, Eleanor

The barren landscape of Texas

The Hills of New Mexico

The Albuquerque Museum of Art and History

Museum Garden Sculpture

Side street in old Albuquerque

Old Town boutiques

Old Town Catholic Church

Monday, April 29, 2013

Oklahoma City to Amarillo, Texas

The Lone Star State

Howdy y'all ! You hear that expression a lot in Texas, because Texans are friendly and welcoming.
In fact, the word Texas comes from the Native American word, tejas, which means "friend".

The landscape of North Eastern Texas is sun-burned, wind-blasted and sparsly populated. In fact there isn't a McDonalds between the town of Shamrock and Amarillo on the Interstate 40, a distance of more than a hundred miles.

But there are some treasures along the way, such as the Cherokee Trading Post, near Elk City, and the Town of Shamrock. In 1890 the town was named by an Irish immigrant, George Nickel, who was the Mayor and ran the town's post office. The town has a population of less than 2,000 and is located at the intersection of I-40 and the old Rt. 66. There is an Irish pub, and Irish restaurant, even McDonalds has a huge shamrock on the sign.

After crossing the Texas Panhandle in glorious sunshine, we arrived at our destination, Amarillo, and what a beautiful city it is. Hospitals, Universities, Theatres, Art Galleries and Museums, Zoological and Botanical Gardens, Symphany, Ballet, are just some of the wonderful amenities.

A world-renowned restaurant, the Big Texan is famous for its 72 oz. steak. If you eat it all in less than an hour, your meal is free.

Ellie's Deli

Welcome to Texas

Sorry ! but he started it.

Down Buffy
Old Route 66

Interactive Mural
Route 66 Museum, Maclean, Texas

Amarillo Arts Centre

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Memphis to Oklahoma City

A grey overcast rainy morning in Memphis, tornado warnings in the area. Happily the clouds gradually parted and temperatures soared to 89'.

Our first stop was the historic city of Little Rock, Arkansas, best known as the birthplace of President William J. Clinton.  The Presidential Centre and Library is an educational and cultural venue, offering a variety of special events and educational programs. Most importantly, the Centre is a reflection of the work - past, present and future - of the 42nd President of the United States.

A big event in Little Rock today is the Jewish Food Festival in the town centre. With hundreds of exotic food vendors, art and crafts displays, and live music, it attracted tens of thousands.

It was marathon day in Oklahoma City, with 25.000 athletes braving the extreme heat to honour the victims and survivors of the bombing of the Federal Building in downtown Oklahoma City in 1995, as well as the victims and survivors of the this year's Boston Marathon.

 Welcome to Arkansas

 Welcome to Oklahoma

 Enjoying the Jewish Food Festival

The William J. Clinton, Presidential Centre and Library, Little Rock.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Nashville to Memphis - We're Half Way to Sedona

Today we woke up to pouring rain, walked in 2 inches of water to get my car, but after driving only 376 kilms, we arrived in beautiful sunshine again, in Memphis Tenn. So what does everyone do in Memphis?

"Go to Graceland"
Well we did the whole tour, it is a good thing I only did 20 minutes on the tread mill this morning because I am sure I walked a hundred miles today. We took the whole 3 hr. tour, Amazing!!!

I can see way so many people still cry for him and love him so.  I was at Graceland about 1978 a year after Elvis died. It is amazing how a lot has changed on touring Graceland. So what if it more commercialized. Let his wonderful music live on. It really and truly touches your soul.

So tomorrow we move on to our new destination, may our trip be as safe and joyful as it has been so far.

As Elvis would say "until we meet again"

Love always, Eleanor

Elvis's Black Rolls and White Mercedes

One of Elvis's two jets

 A moment of meditation

Elvis Presley R.I.P.

The Trophy Room

Portrait of "The King


Friday, April 26, 2013

Roanoke, Pennsylvania to Nashville, Tennessee

A pleasant drive on the winding motorways through the rolling hills of Virginia and Tennessee, visiting Knoxville, Chattanooga, and the Historic town of Jonesborough, where story tellers from across America and beyond gather to share stories.

The annual Story Telling Festival, founded in 1973, inspired an international renaissance of storytelling that has spread across America and the world, earning Jonesborough the undisputed right to be called the “Storytelling Capital of the World”.

Country music certainly touches the hearts and souls of most people, with its meaningful lyrics about life and love. Nashville is the Capital of Country Music and the Grand Ole Opry is the palatial theatre where the best of the best of Country singers and musicians perform before 4,000 fans five nights a week. The powerful influence of the "Opry" can be seen throughout the entire fabric of the city, especially the economy.

The Opry has a special place in my heart. About forty years ago I studied it in great detail when I had to paint scenic backdrops for the musical, guess what, "The Grand Ole Opry" performed by the Rathkenny Revels, or was it Navan MS ? 

We were priveledged  to be present at the Memorial concert for the legendry Country singer George Jones. who passed away today, at the age of 81. R.I.P.

Before the start of today's "Country Music" marathon in Nashville, a brief ceremony expressed condolences to the people of Boston. The race was held in torrential rain.

Welcome to Tennessee

 Jason Crabb performs his tribute to George Jones, on the screen.

 Host Jeannie Seely

 Sarah Darling

Country Music Fan

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Scranton, Pennsylvania to Roanoke, Virginia

Today we woke up to a beautiful day again. Drove through 3 border crossings, from Pennsylvania to Mary land to West Virginia and finally to Virginia, What a beautiful state with the side of the road just covered with new spring growth , all the pink, white and spring green & yellows. I do believe they are about a week ahead of Boston and 3 weeks ahead of Owen Sound.
After driving a total of 694 klms We are resting at the Quality Inn at Salem,Virginia. We did drive downtown in historic old Harrisonburg. So many historical sites to see, but you have to sometimes do a driving tour in order to get to your final destination.
I though 10 days would be a lot of time to arrive in Sedona; now we want to see it all and wish we had thirty days.
So much to see. Just a few photographs to give you a taste. Stay tuned for more tomorrow.
Love Eleanor

Fitness comes first, that's me.

 Welcome to West Virginia

 Capturing the colours

After the beauty, comes the beast

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Quincy to Scranton

Departing a day later than planned. We were taking care of Marina, who is recovering from surgery.

A very pleasant drive to Scranton. When it was time for lunch, would you believe, we found ourselves in “Newtown” Connecticut. We prayed for the victims of the atrocious school massacre, their families, and the community. We enjoyed a great brunch at the Blue Colony Diner, where the walls are adorned with prayers and affirnations of healing and renewal.

Scranton is a beautiful dynamic and monumental city, monuments everywhere, monuments to Christopher Columbus, George Washington, Cardinals, Veterans, Politicians. With a growing population of 75,000, Scranton is in the top ten American cities recovering from the recession.

 Welcome to Pennsylvania

 The Court House

 City Hall


Saturday, April 20, 2013

Quincy, MA., to Scranton, Penn.

We set off on the first leg of our "Road to Sedona" adventure on Tuesday April 23rd., to Scranton, Penn. 292 miless. Scranton has a week-long "Earth Day" festival, featuring various cultural and environmental activities and exhibitions.

Founder members of the "Earth Art Assembly" , L to R. Noel Martin,
Carol-Ann Barrett Martin, Eldora Taylor, James Culligan and Eleanor Pauling.

Earth Day is celebrated worldwide around the time of the Vernal Equinox. In Canada we observe the occasion on April 22 each year. Earth Day aims to inspire awareness and appreciation of our natural environment.It is currently observed in more than 180 countries around the world, with more than a billion people participating.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Let the Healing Begin

Happy Moments at the Boston Marathon

 The winner Lelisa Desisa Benti of Ethiopia
at the 24 mile mark. 

 Happy "Sardines" packed into the train on the way to the event

 The Ladies Winner Rita Jeptoo at the 24 mile mark.

 The Triumph of the Human Spirit.
This wheelchair athlete pedalled the entire course on his back

 National Guard members marched, some ran, with hugh backpacks

Monday, April 15, 2013

Boston Marathon

Eleanor and I attended the Boston marathon. We found a good viewing location at Coolidge Corner, about two miles from the finish line. It was a wonderful family event. We didn't hear the explosions with all the laughter and applause and party atmosphere.The security was intensive, with huge police and military presence and helicopters overhead.

We intended to post photos of the event, but out of respect for the casualties, we will not do so. Our thoughts and prayers are with the millions of people who are impacted by this heinous, cowardly, crime against humanity.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Christening of Tyler Richard Welch, Eleanor's great-great-grandson, at St. Henry's Church, Bayonne, NJ.

St. Henry's Church, Bayonne

Tyler with Parents and God-Parents

 Tyler with Parents and Grandparents

Four Generations
Eleanor, Diane, Christopher, and Tyler