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Friday, April 26, 2013

Roanoke, Pennsylvania to Nashville, Tennessee

A pleasant drive on the winding motorways through the rolling hills of Virginia and Tennessee, visiting Knoxville, Chattanooga, and the Historic town of Jonesborough, where story tellers from across America and beyond gather to share stories.

The annual Story Telling Festival, founded in 1973, inspired an international renaissance of storytelling that has spread across America and the world, earning Jonesborough the undisputed right to be called the “Storytelling Capital of the World”.

Country music certainly touches the hearts and souls of most people, with its meaningful lyrics about life and love. Nashville is the Capital of Country Music and the Grand Ole Opry is the palatial theatre where the best of the best of Country singers and musicians perform before 4,000 fans five nights a week. The powerful influence of the "Opry" can be seen throughout the entire fabric of the city, especially the economy.

The Opry has a special place in my heart. About forty years ago I studied it in great detail when I had to paint scenic backdrops for the musical, guess what, "The Grand Ole Opry" performed by the Rathkenny Revels, or was it Navan MS ? 

We were priveledged  to be present at the Memorial concert for the legendry Country singer George Jones. who passed away today, at the age of 81. R.I.P.

Before the start of today's "Country Music" marathon in Nashville, a brief ceremony expressed condolences to the people of Boston. The race was held in torrential rain.

Welcome to Tennessee

 Jason Crabb performs his tribute to George Jones, on the screen.

 Host Jeannie Seely

 Sarah Darling

Country Music Fan

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