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Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Dayton, Ohio to Owen Sound, ON.

 Welcome to Ohio

Welcome to Michigan
Welcome to Canada

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Blue Spring, Kansas to Dayton, Ohio

Tomrrow we will be home!!!

We are close to Dayton, (Miamisburg, sister city to Owen Sound) Ohio. It has been a long day of driving with tornadoes and thunderstorms just behind us all day.

We drove from, Kansas, to Illinois, through Indiana , 4 states in all to rest for the night in Ohio.. I do not even have a name for the place we are but it had a couple of motels and an Out Back (always good food) so by the time we had our supper it was close to 9pm.

We did stop at one boarder crossing to get a photo., the rest were just drive by pictures, as we now want to be home.

I said to James "God  has been unbelievably so good to us", even this morning after a terrible storm all night as we finished breakfast and went back to the room to get our belongings, "I said to James you wait at the door as I bring up the car. As only God would have it by the time we got to the door with our luggage the sun was shinning, as it did all the way to Ohio.

Our whole trip was just like that. Nothing could go wrong. This has been an unbelievable experience of a lfe time.

I have no words to express our Thank you to God.
Love  forever, Eleanor

St Louis famous Arch

 We chose to go through Indianapolis rather than Chicago as the big storm was heading towards the north.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Colby, Kansas to Blue Spring, Missouri.

We're feeling a little home-sick, so we're not stopping to smell the roses, or the sunflowers. We're just clocking up the miles, and dodging tornadoes. They were battening down the hatches in Colby as we departed this morning, in response to a tornado warning for later this evening.  Most of the public buildings and restaurants have underground storm shelters.

We have noticed on our travels that seniors are treated with a lot of respect, just as much as that paid to veterans.

PS....... Evening TV Weather News report that tornadoes touched down in Hays and Salina just hours after we had passed through. Tornado watches are still in place, and our departure tomorrow morning hinges very much on the forces of nature.

 Driveby Shot of Kansas City

Denver, Colorado to Colby, Kansas

Today we traveled almost 700 klm. but our destination is only in Colby Ka. , We could have gone much further, but we decided to take a longer route by going to Colorado Springs.

We were under the impression that maybe we could take a dip in the hot springs pool. We went to the tourist office to found out what spas were available. The closest was about 31 miles heading back West into the mountains. So away we went. She did mention there was a dress code.

We arrived after some time, traveling on a dirt driveway up to this little place, big fence all around, got a visual tour through the window. Desided to be brave after all this driving, so in we went, since we were allowed to wear our swimsuits. ( I think we were the only ones with a bathing suit on). Need I say more.

Sat in the pool for about an hr. with my eyes closed. The hot water was refreshing. You have to be brave sometime in your life.

Then we went into a little cafĂ© with a drive thru for lunch, now would you believe it the only ones driving thru are on horse back.  Talk about out in the back woods.

Well that was our excitement for the day. It was different.

The rest of the trip was, “talk about baron land,” couple of photos to give you an idea, soon as I saw a tree, I decided to take another photo.

Must say today was different and we did make across the boarder into Kansas. Boy is it ever windy here.

Until tomorrow, Love Always, Eleanor

 Drive Through

 Land of Nothing

 I Saw a Tree

Welcome to Kansas

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Salina, Utah to Denver, Colorado

It is easy to lose track of time when one is enjoying the adventure of a lifetime. But duty calls and we have to make tracks for home to take care of our responsibilities in the real world.

Today we drove more than 700 k's across the barren but beautiful rocky landscape of Utah and Colorado (Color-ado) from Salina, Utah to Denver, Colorado (the Mile High City). 

The traffic-free interstate I-70 winds its way, at altitudes of 8,000, to 9,000, between the towering rocky cliffs and snow-capped mountains, along the banks of the Colorado river, before dipping down to an altitude of 5,183 and the beautiful City of Denver, with a population of nearly 3 million.

Color-ado aptly describes the landscape and the lifestyle of this area, dotted with spectacular ski resorts and Alpine villages.

 Welcome to Colorado

 The Colorado River, muddied by the brown sand and silt.


Snow-capped Ski Resorts

Kanab, Utah to Salina, Utah.

James coment last night was "Can it get any better than this!!!"

"Yes James it did!!!!!" Today as we left Kanab, just 5 miles out of town, were the most amazing caves. The Moqui Caves over 14 million years old, this is were Native Americans of the Southwest lived in 700 -1200 A.D.

These caves are now operated as a museum of artifacts, fossils and one of the larges collection of neon rocks that glow in the floride light,  by the 4th generation of Mormons who came from England.

Lex Chamberlain, now sole owner of his ancesters discovery gave us the most fantastic tour, his love and knowledge was so heart warming it brought tears to my eyes of his passion for the caves.
The bar James is sitting on was hidden in the back of the Moqui caves during the days of Prohibition.

The day has been unbelievable today, the caves were to open at 10:am, we got there at 9 and they were open. Then we stopped for a coffee & pie at McDonalds in Cedar City. Would you believe it, the guy at the counter was so friendly gave us 2 coffee's & 6 apple pies for a $1.60 and said have a good day, with a big wink. At first we though he was joking but no, he winked again. Six apple pies for us!!!

We had planned on going up #89 but the girl in the little motel we stayed in last night, said you must go up Route #9 through the Zion Park. She said this is a must if you have travelled from so far.

Wow!!! Was she ever right. This trip through this park has been the most breath taking sights we have ever seen in our entire trip. There are no words to discribe the formation of the rock, the caves in the mountains and the mile long tunnel we drove through the mountain.

This has been an awsume day of leaving the dessert caves of Moqui to Zion's magestic rock formations to top of the world where we now rest in the tiny  place of Selina Utah close to the snow coverd peeks of the Rockie's.

God could not have done any more for us today. Thank you God.
Can't wait to see what he has in store for us tomorrow.

 May your day be as magnificent as ours. Love Eleanor

Moqui Cave
Moqui Cave Bar, during Prohibition

Dancing Cave

Eleanor with Lex Chamberlain
Zion National Park

 Snake Road

 Mile Long Tunnel

 Three Patriots

Rocky Mountains

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Page to Kanab

Have you ever heard of Kanab, Utah ?  If you haven't, just listen up.

After leaving Page and driving for a few hours across the barren but beautiful landscape of North Arizona and Southern Utah, it was time for a lunch stop, and that is how we discovered Kanab.

Kanub is an idyllic small western town (population 4,500) nestled amid the most spectacular red cliffs and mountains, constantly changing from vermilion, to maroon, to pink, in response to the ever changing play of light. At an elevation of 5,000 feet, the clear air has an exhilarating scent of sage and cedar. But that is not all.

Kanub is called "Little Hollyhood", because in this little town, more than 90 feature length films were made, as well as several hundred TV shows. Have you heard of "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid", "How the West Was Won",  "MacKenna's Gold" "The Outlaw Josey Wales", the series "Have Gun Will Travel", and many "Rat Pack" movies, to mention just a few.

The "Little Hollywood" Museum in the town features many of the sets and props, such as jails, saloons, banks, the "OK Corral" and "Boot Hill", as well as an abundance of nostalgic memorabilia to delight the movie buff. But that is not all.

Southern Utah is a "Happy Hunting Ground" for students of history, archaelogy and anthropology. The rock formations are constantly unfolding the mysteries of the origin of life on Planet Earth.

Can it get any better ? 

 Welcome to Utah

 Paria 18th - 19th Century Cemetery

 Remember the movie "Paria"
 Good Buddies


 I Wuz Framed

Hanging out in Kanab

Monday, May 13, 2013

Grand Canyon to Page

We were up at 5:am this morning to see the famous sunrise on the Grand Canyon. It was well worth it. You can only get the magnificent reds and yellows when the sun is setting or rising. It made for a long day but well worth it. I went back to bed for awhile but did not sleep much and James stayed up. So we should sleep well tonight.

As we left the Grand Canyon Village, I could see it has changed a lot  from when you and I were here Audrey, The main Lodges has about 4 annexe's now, and we stayed in one that had beautiful modern rooms. As we drove on I could see the cabins, which I believe we stayed in 50 years ago. They are still renting them. Amazing.

Since it was our last day at the Canyon we stopped at most of the points of interest as we drove, such asYavapal Point, Mather point, Pine Creek Vista, South Kaibab Trailhead, the last stop before leaving the Canyon was Dessert View. (Needless to say we have hundreds of pictures of the canyon.) For those who have been here before this is were the old tower is. James said the tower had 97 steps, at this altitude there was no way I was going to climb up.

As we drove on #89, we had to do a detour of about 140 klm. out of our planned route, when around the canyon there is no such a thing as a short detour. For some time  it was a land of flat nothing but native villages and tumble weeds.

Then!! I got the surprise of my life and this long detour brought us right to my favorite mountain, "I was wondering were it was located as I have not seen it in all our travels."
Here it was like from out of space!!! "Close Encounter of the Third Kind."
Well, this made my day, I said to James "This detour was ment to be"

What surprise awaits us tomorrow.
God is good.
Love Eleanor

One of our many stops

 Sunrise at 5 in the morning

                               The cabin, I believe is what we stayed in 50 years ago, Audrey

                                                     Wow!!! ! From here we saw the mighty river

                                          James, you are not suposed to climb over the railing

"Close Encounter of the Third Kind" ,My favorite Movie of all time

Sunday, May 12, 2013

The Grand Canyon

The geologic story of the Grand Canyon is that it began to take shape 5 to 6 million years ago (a blink of an eye in geological terms) although there are rocks at the deepest depth of the canyon which are almost 2 billion years old. The Canyon is 277 miles long, up to ten miles wide, and nearly 6,000 feet deep in places. It attracts more than five million visitors a year.

The vivid colours of the many layers of rock are mainly due to various minerals, which impart subtle hues of red, yellow and green to the walls of the canyon. The constantly changing play of light on the walls produces a constantly changing panorama of colour, particularly at sunrise and sunset.

We witnessed the fantastic colorama at sunset and we will witness it at sunrise, 5.20am, which is only a few hours away.

Fast forward a few hours to 5.20am. We are standing on a rock at the rim of the canyon, with like-minded people from India, China, Australia, Croatia, Israel, Canada and Sweden, all feeling the same energy, the same life-force, the same presence of the same God. As the sun rises and floods the canyon in a warm red glow, it is a deeply moving spiritual experience. Thank You God.

Dear Dear Me !!!


Saturday, May 11, 2013

Vortex Tour

It was a sad feeling this morning when we packed up the car, knowing we were leaving beautiful Sedona.  On the other hand it was exciting to know we were booked to do a Vortex jeep tour.

We were in awe today. We had the most fantastic tour guide, (his name is Chad ) who also was a spiritualist, he came to Sedona 8 years ago and never left.  He has done a lot of research as to where you can feel the strongest forces of energy and he knew all the places.

It was unbelievable as to the height we climbed in the jeep and then by foot, (and I did not even have to use my cane) Unbelievable the energy one feels in these places.You cannot describe the feeling, one has to experence it.

Then he took us to a very special place called "Rachel's Knoll". This is not advertised, you can only get in if the gate keeper lets you in. It is a private Estate.

Chad told us this by far has the strongest Vortex of any location in all the area of Sedona. We sat on this hallow huge stone while Chad did a short meditation. We all felt incredible energy coming up into our feet from the earth and into the palms of our hands. One of the ladies who was not familiar with this said she would never had believed it if she had not felt it.

It was an incredible feeling. I have no words to discribe what I felt. Nobody  took a picture, we were just in awe.
Love is all around us.  Eleanor

Chad our Tour Guide

Eleanor feeling the Life Force

On top of the top of the World

With Betsy and Lynn from Las Vegas

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Graduation Day at University of Metaphysics, Sedona.

Dr. Paul Leon Masters surrounded by celebrating Graduates

James Culligan M.Msc., and Dr. Dennis Walshe, Ph.D., from Melbourne, Australia

Eleanor and James with Kellee Patterson, Las Vegas cabaret performer.