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Monday, May 6, 2013

University of Metaphysics Convention

Today was the first day of speakers at the convention . What a wonderful day of such talented speakers from all over the world, Hawaii, Australlia, Austria, and many States, 12 speakers in all.

The master, of all the speakers was Dr. Leon Master, Founder. This man when he speaks, never using notes, really knows how to touch your soul. He is such a wonderful man to speak to, so humble and genuine and easy to speak to.He is such an inspiration to us all at this convention.

The entertainment between speakers was of well established artists who have preformed in Vagas, TV, Movies, TV commercials, back up to preformers such as Barbara Streisand, Michael Jackson, Paul Anka, Frank Sinatra, just  to name a few. They were outstanding and all graduates of the University of metaphysics.

The lifetime Award Recipient for the first time,this year was an Artist. Primary consideration for the award first and formost, the contribution to the uplifting of spiritual consciousness on the planet. This should be consistant for at least 30 years. of contributions. Demary has done so worldwide for over 45 years.  Her works of art are an inspiration to us all. Some of her talent was displayed in the convention hall.

It has been a wonderful enlightment on so many subjects today, from Your Relationship with God, Helpimg others Understand Metaphsic, Holistic Education for our Children, Guidance & Forgivness, to Self-Esteem and more. Can't wait to hear what we will learn tomorrow.

Until then, Love and  Peace, as we are all one.

Dr. Paul Leon Masters
Display of Paintings by Delmary, Lifetime Award Recipient.
At the Convention
Our Talented Entertainers

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