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Saturday, May 11, 2013

Vortex Tour

It was a sad feeling this morning when we packed up the car, knowing we were leaving beautiful Sedona.  On the other hand it was exciting to know we were booked to do a Vortex jeep tour.

We were in awe today. We had the most fantastic tour guide, (his name is Chad ) who also was a spiritualist, he came to Sedona 8 years ago and never left.  He has done a lot of research as to where you can feel the strongest forces of energy and he knew all the places.

It was unbelievable as to the height we climbed in the jeep and then by foot, (and I did not even have to use my cane) Unbelievable the energy one feels in these places.You cannot describe the feeling, one has to experence it.

Then he took us to a very special place called "Rachel's Knoll". This is not advertised, you can only get in if the gate keeper lets you in. It is a private Estate.

Chad told us this by far has the strongest Vortex of any location in all the area of Sedona. We sat on this hallow huge stone while Chad did a short meditation. We all felt incredible energy coming up into our feet from the earth and into the palms of our hands. One of the ladies who was not familiar with this said she would never had believed it if she had not felt it.

It was an incredible feeling. I have no words to discribe what I felt. Nobody  took a picture, we were just in awe.
Love is all around us.  Eleanor

Chad our Tour Guide

Eleanor feeling the Life Force

On top of the top of the World

With Betsy and Lynn from Las Vegas

1 comment:

  1. It was the picturesque red rock canyons with their dramatic rock formations that caught the eye of Hollywood location scouts after the second world war. Soon hundreds of western movies and TV episodes were being filmed taking advantage of the Sedona scenery.

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