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Friday, May 3, 2013

Flagstaff to Sedona

The final leg of our transcontinental drive from Boston to Sedona was a super spectacular drive through the most surreal landscape you could possibly imagine, a narrow winding road at a high altitude through towering red rocky mountains. We arrived a full day ahead of expectations.

I have been planning this adventure for about twenty years. What takes twenty years of planning ? you might ask. Bear with me for a few more days and all will be revealed.

Sedona is an oasis in the vast rocky barren Arizona landscape. The picturesque city is surrounded by red rocky monoliths named for the distinctive objects their shapes resemble - bell, cathedral, coffeepot, steamboat, merry-go-round,  snoopy, to name just a few. If you don't know the name of a rock, you can call it whatever seems right to you.

Sedona is world famous as the Metaphysical / Spiritual Capital of the World, and the home of the University of Metaphysics.  Visitors come from all over the World to experience the powerful natural earth energy, referred to as the "Sedona Vortexes".

The Sedona vortexes are scientifically acknowledged as places where the earth's energy is released from the towering red rocks, because of their high concentration of magnetic iron.  There is no doubt that the collective energy of the landscape and that of the people who assemble here, can have a profound effect on human consciousness.

 Bnjy takes time out against the spectacular rocky backdrop.

Main Street, Sedona

Eleanor adds to the landscape.

Driver's view

1 comment:

  1. "Oh great, this will totally make me feel and be in great physically condition and I will experience wonderful dreams about what I should be doing in this life time!" So remember, your thoughts and or demeanor are important on how you approach these vortices and sacred spots in general.

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