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Sunday, May 19, 2013

Blue Spring, Kansas to Dayton, Ohio

Tomrrow we will be home!!!

We are close to Dayton, (Miamisburg, sister city to Owen Sound) Ohio. It has been a long day of driving with tornadoes and thunderstorms just behind us all day.

We drove from, Kansas, to Illinois, through Indiana , 4 states in all to rest for the night in Ohio.. I do not even have a name for the place we are but it had a couple of motels and an Out Back (always good food) so by the time we had our supper it was close to 9pm.

We did stop at one boarder crossing to get a photo., the rest were just drive by pictures, as we now want to be home.

I said to James "God  has been unbelievably so good to us", even this morning after a terrible storm all night as we finished breakfast and went back to the room to get our belongings, "I said to James you wait at the door as I bring up the car. As only God would have it by the time we got to the door with our luggage the sun was shinning, as it did all the way to Ohio.

Our whole trip was just like that. Nothing could go wrong. This has been an unbelievable experience of a lfe time.

I have no words to express our Thank you to God.
Love  forever, Eleanor

St Louis famous Arch

 We chose to go through Indianapolis rather than Chicago as the big storm was heading towards the north.

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