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Saturday, May 4, 2013

Poco Diablo Resort, Sedona

We have arrived!!!!
What an adventure!!!!!

We left Boston 10 days ago and saw so much diversity in this country, and it just got better & better.
As we said in Rome & Florance, " it can't get any better than this" but it has been one excitment after another. 

I have to say when we took the old canyon route from Flagstaff to Sedona, I have never ever had feelings so unbelieveable. I wanted to stop every 10 feet in awe of the energy and beauty of this magnificent landscape.

I can't help telling people how beautiful this country is, and  most reply, this road of 28 miles through the canyon is the most beautiful in the world. I totally agree. It brings tears to your eyes.

As they say a picture is worth a thousand words. and I have no words to discribe its splendor.

 Oh yes, James got his horse to go with his hat. Tomorrow we start our wonderful convention in this magnificent resort.

Poco Diablo Resort

Love, Eleanor

Road to Sedond, from Flagstaff

 One of the magnificent cliffs.

 More Beauty

Approaching Sedona
Main Street, Sedona.
James got his Horse, a beauty in bronze.

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